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Yesterday, Today.......and Tomorrow?

Yesterday, Today.......and Tomorrow?

Year: 2006

Yesterday, Today.....and Tomorrow?

Medium: Ceramic,perspex and digital print (4 panels)

Height: 46cm

Width: 2 x2metres & 2 x1.4 metres

Depth: 7cm


From the Exhibition: Sensing the Silence: Mary Kathleen

Perc Tucker Regional Gallery

Photographed by: Robin Gould

Collection of: Private


    The very awesome work Yesterday, Today and… Tomorrow ? of the countless screaming faces is another powerful image of silence combined with immeasurable energy. These are the faces of those who have suffered, who are suffering, and will suffer in the future. Their soundless screams reverberate throughout time and remind us once again of Chernobyl. A recent report on Chernobyl states that although the official figure for those who absorbed radiation was originally put at approximately 4,000, that figure has now been reassessed, and is estimated to be more than 100,000 as the toxic legacy continues to manifest itself in those who were effected at the time, and extends to those who were born after the event. While many throughout the world may have forgotten, the trauma and slow motion disaster continues inexorably throughout history.


    Jenny Mulcahy has made us think once again about the need for humankind to live in a state of connectedness with our lands. She believes that rejection of both traditional religions and many of our earlier values has left many people feeling lost and disconnected. She also believes that spiritual connection to our lands must come before political change can be effective. In visiting the site of Mary Kathleen, she has experienced its silence, and at the same time, its energies, and in this exhibition, she makes meaning of these energies and silences for us all to experience and share.

    Extract from Catalogue essay by Gordon Foulds

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