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Remantled (Panel #2  2004-2008)

Remantled (Panel #2 2004-2008)

Year: 2008

Medium: Ceramic, digital images, found objects, resin & glass

Panel comprided of 60 individual works
Height: 18cm
Width: 16cm

Depth: variable to 6cm

From the group exhibition: Remantled

Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts

Collection of: numerous private collections

Photographed by: the Artist


    Remantled is a continuation of Mantled, an exhibition that was held at Umbrella Studio in 1999. In that exhibition Marion Gaemers, Jenny Mulcahy, Adrianne Smith and Karla Pincott stripped away the bare essential aesthetic elements of discarded, seemingly useless objects, reconstructing and reconfiguring them to reveal them in a new context. They worked by themselves, with each other and with members of the community, to produce Mantled.

    In 2007 they decided to get together again to explore the decade that had past. This time however only Marion, Jenny and Adrianne participated as Karla had moved to Sydney. The focus of the work also evolved with the artists exploring environmental and social issues and the human response to these .

    Marion explored fruits, leaves and seed shapes. Looking at the effects of gene manipulation, producing fruits that look beautiful but have no taste, leaves that insects wouldn't eat and oversized seed pods. She used both natural and man-made waste materials to explore her idea of gene manipulation.

    In her work Jenny explored political, social and personal issues that had impacted on her life since the original Mantled show. Her assemblage of 120 works, each representing a calendar month, incorporated images of works made previously, recycled and presented in a different context. Media used includes ceramic, digital silk-screened images, found objects, resin and glass.

     Adrianne's works reflect hope. Expressing that no matter what disasters befall us, we are sufficiently innovative to cope with and overcome them. Her works were constructed from recycled timber and scrap metal,

    Once again the artists worked together in the gallery inviting members of the community to come and work with them over a two week period. The final community collaborative work was installed as part of the exhibition.



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©2021 Jenny Mulcahy. All rights reserved. All images contained in this site are under automatic copyright to the artist. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of any image may be reproduced by any process without written permission of the artist. Enquiries should be addressed to Jenny Mulcahy.

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